Deputy Chair
Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (from 15/02/17)
Mrs Nola Marino MP (from 10/08/2017)
Senator Jonathon Duniam (12/09/2016 to 5/12/2016)
Senator Cory Bernardi (5/12/2016 to 15/02/2017)
Mr Steve Irons MP (to 10/08/2017)
Mr David Brunoro, Secretary (to 7/04/2017)
Ms Susan Cardell, Secretary (from 10/04/2017)
Dr Kate Sullivan, Inquiry Secretary
Dr Joel Bateman, Inquiry Secretary
Ms Emilia Schiavo, Inquiry Secretary (from 18/4/2017)
Mr Shane Armstrong, Senior Research Officer
Ms Megan Jones, Senior Research Officer (to 11/08/2017)
Mr Joe Keshina, Secondee (14/3/2017 to 30/06/2017)
Ms Tamara Palmer, Office Manager