NDIS Workforce Interim Report

December 2020

© Commonwealth of Australia 2020
ISBN: 978-1-76093-140-7

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Committee Membership

List of Recommendations

Executive Summary

  The need for an interim report
  The COVID-19 pandemic
  The NDIS funding model and price settings
  Training and professional development
  Employment opportunities for people with disability
  Thin markets
  Workforce planning

Chapter 1—Overview

  Conduct of the inquiry
  The need for an interim report
  Structure of the report
  Note on terminology and references

Chapter 2—Background

  Background to the National Disability Insurance Scheme
  Relevant Senate inquiries
  Review of the
  Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability
  Disability Reform Council Activities
  Productivity Commission report

Chapter 3—The NDIS workforce

  Size of the workforce
  Workforce composition
  Employment profile
  Growth required to meet demand
  Workforce development initiatives
  Committee view

Chapter 4—Current workforce conditions

  Casualisation and insecure work
  'Uberisation' of the disability workforce
  Staffing levels and service quality
  Unpaid work
  Treatment by providers
  Career progression
  Supervision, mentoring and professional support
  Work health and safety
  Bullying, harassment or violence
  Committee view

Chapter 5—The NDIS funding model and price settings

  Price setting under the National Disability Insurance Scheme
  Consumer-directed care arrangements
  Workforce concerns associated with NDIS funding arrangements
  Proposals to address concerns associated with NDIS funding
  Specific funding and entitlement schemes
  Committee view

Chapter 6—Training and professional development

  Required training, skills and attributes
  The adequacy of existing education and training programs
  The transition from education to employment
  National registration and accreditation
  Proposals to address training and development needs
  Committee view

Chapter 7—Employment opportunities for people with disability

  Opportunities for people with disability in the NDIS workforce
  Barriers to employment for people with disability
  Australian Disability Enterprises
  Employment of people with disability—National Disability Insurance Agency
  Improving education outcomes for people with disability
  The transition from education to employment
  Existing initiatives
  Committee view

Chapter 8—Thin markets

  Challenges for regional, rural and remote communities
  Local workforce development
  Workforce concerns for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  Maldistribution of allied health services
  Costs and administrative burden
  Existing Commonwealth initiatives
  Committee view

Chapter 9—Workforce planning

  The need for reliable workforce data
  Marketing the NDIS workforce
  A national workforce plan for the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Appendix 1—Submissions

Appendix 2—Public hearings

Committee Secretariat contact:

Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: (02) 6277 3083