Bills before Parliament
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Using the Bill Introduced date fields will allow you to search bills by the date they were introduced into Parliament. Clicking the 'Bill Introduced (From)' and 'Bill Introduced (To)' fields displays a calendar. Alternatively select date by typing into these fields in the format 'dd/mm/yyyy'.
Using the Bill Progress date fields will allow you to search bills by the dates they progressed through Parliament. Clicking the 'Bill Progress (From)' and 'Bill Progress (To)' fields displays a calendar. Alternatively select date by typing into these fields in the format 'dd/mm/yyyy'.
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These publications provide a complete list of all bills before Parliament for the current calendar year and details of their progress through both houses of Parliament.
One of the main roles of the Australian Parliament is to make laws for the people of Australia. Learn more about each step of the law-making process with our passage of legislation website.
The House of Representatives Selection Committee and the Senate Selection of Bills Committee routinely consider whether bills should be referred to committees for inquiry and report. The House Committee reports its determinations to the chamber, while the Senate Committee makes recommendations which the Senate may then adopt. Bills may also be referred to committees by either chamber or by the relevant minister to House and joint committees.
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