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- Date
16 Oct 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
- Summary
Amends the
Migration Act 1958
to repeal the sunset clause (due to take effect on 21 March 2003) to enable the continuation of the current statutory self-regulatory arrangements in relation to the migration advice industry.
- Date
19 Sep 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
- Summary
Amends the
Murray-Darling Basin Act 1993
to approve and give effect to the Murray-Darling Basin Amending Agreement between the Commonwealth, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia which will make new arrangements for sharing water made available in the River Murray catchment above Hume Dam by the Snowy Scheme.
- Date
26 Jun 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
The bill: appropriates funds out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for payments in accordance with an indemnity agreement between the Commonwealth and Australasian Medical Insurance Limited/United Medical Protection Limited; and confirms the Commonwealth’s commitments under the indemnity agreement.
- Date
26 Jun 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Special Minister of State
- Summary
Establishes uniform arrangements for all Life Gold Pass holders, their spouses and their widows or widowers, including limits on the number of return trips within Australia and forfeiture of travel entitlements linked to the forfeiture of superannuation benefits following a corruption offence conviction.
- Date
13 Mar 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
- Summary
Amends the
Migration Act 1958
to: provide clear legislative intention that compliance with codes of procedure (for making decisions about visa applications, certain visa cancellations and revocations of visa cancellations, and for the conduct of reviews by relevant merits review tribunals) fully satisfies the common law requirements of the natural justice hearing rule. Also contains application provisions.
- Date
13 Mar 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
- Summary
Amends the
Migration Act 1958
to: allow certain non-citizens to be brought to Australia without a visa for a temporary purpose (a “transitory person”); bar a transitory person from making a visa application whilst in Australia, unless the Minister believes it is in the public interest to do so; allow an assessment of the refugee status of certain transitory persons; stop legal proceedings being taken in relation to the transitory person’s presence in Australia; and provide clear statutory authority for the removal of the person from Australia.
- Date
14 Feb 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Amends the
Marriage Act 1961
to: reform the Marriage Celebrants Program, primarily to raise the level of professional standards required of celebrants and have them promote pre-marriage and other relationship education services, including the creation of the Registrar of Marriage Celebrants, and review of certain decisions by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal; and make technical amendments in relation to: the Notice of Intended Marriage; passports as a means of identification; authorisation of a shortened timeframe between lodgment of a Notice of Intended Marriage and the marriage; and removal of redundant provisions. Also contains transitional provisions.
- Date
14 Feb 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
- Summary
Amends the
Migration Agents Registration Application Charge Act 1997
to increase the upper limit for the charge imposed by regulations for registration applications by migration agents.
- Date
14 Feb 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
- Summary
Amends the regulatory scheme for the migration advice industry and migration agents in the
Migration Act 1958
, in relation to investigation of complaints, re-registration and the scope of the scheme. Also contains application provisions.
- Date
18 Sep 2001
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Immigration and Multicultural Affairs portfolio
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