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- Date
16 May 2002
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to provide for a system of paid maternity leave, including provision for a government funded basic maternity payment, for employees not employed by Commonwealth, State or Territory governments; and A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999
to provide that women who receive this new maternity payment will be ineligible for the existing maternity allowance and maternity immunisation allowance.
- Date
09 Aug 2001
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business portfolio
- Date
26 Jun 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to ensure that applications for orders to prevent unprotected industrial action are dealt with quickly and that, in dealing with applications, the Australian Industrial Relations Commission takes into account the undesirability of unprotected action.
- Date
21 Mar 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
in relation to: safety net entitlements for employees in Victoria not covered by federal awards or agreements; access by Victorian employees to federal awards system; minimum pay rates for Victorian contract workers in the textiles, clothing and footwear industries; and annual leave entitlements for Victorian employees. Also contains application and saving provisions.
- Date
29 Mar 2004
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
- Date
16 Jun 2003
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
- Date
20 Feb 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to: list factors to be taken into account by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission when considering whether a negotiating party is not genuinely trying to reach agreement; and empower the Commission to make orders in relation to new bargaining periods. Also contains application provisions.
- Date
20 Feb 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the termination of employment provisions of the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
by: excluding certain classes of employees, including short-term casual employees; validating the operation of regulations purporting to exclude short-term casual employees (following a Federal Court decision invalidating these regulations) from the time the regulations were made to the commencement of the new termination provisions in this bill; and providing for payment, and indexation, of a lodgment fee for termination of employment applications; and Workplace Relations Regulations 1996 to repeal now invalidated provisions excluding certain classes of employees from termination of employment provisions. Also contains an application provision.
- Date
03 Jun 2004
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to: exempt small businesses from the unfair dismissal provisions (except in relation to apprentices and trainees); and require the Australian Industrial Relations Commission to order that an unfair dismissal application is invalid if it relates to a small business employer. Also contains an application provision.
- Date
18 Sep 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to exempt small businesses from the unfair dismissal provisions (except in relation to apprentices and trainees); and require the Australian Industrial Relations Commission to order that an unfair dismissal application is invalid if it relates to a small business employer.
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