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- Date
03 Aug 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
POCOCK, Sen David
- Summary
Amends the
Copyright Act 1968
to remove restrictions limiting the Copyright Tribunal from: determining the amount payable to copyright owners, in respect of published sound recordings, to one per cent of the commercial broadcaster’s gross earnings; and determining the amount payable by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation from to copyright owners, in respect of published sound recordings, to an amount not exceeding 0.5 cents per head of the Australian population.
- Date
03 Aug 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
BABET, Sen Ralph
- Summary
Amends the
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
to provide that indemnities cannot be granted to manufacturers of vaccines in relation to the use of a vaccine.
- Date
22 Jun 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before House of Representatives
SMITH, Sen Dean
- Summary
Amends the
Migration Act 1958
to: require persons entering Australia to respond to specified questions in relation to organ transplants outside Australia; provide for annual reporting requirements in relation to this information; and enable the minister to refuse to grant, or to cancel, a person’s visa if the minister reasonably suspects the person has been involved in conduct constituting an offence involving trafficking in human organs.
- Date
19 Jun 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
FARUQI, Sen Mehreen
MCKIM, Sen Nick
- Summary
Amends the:
Federal Financial Relations Act 2009
to: provide for additional designated housing agreements to include model tenancy standards; and create an instrument-making power allowing the minister to make additional payments to the states on the basis that the states agree to adopt the model tenancy standards, which would include implementing controls on rents and a ban on no-grounds eviction; and Reserve Bank Act 1959
to: insert an object stating that, in relation to differences of opinion between the Reserve Bank and the Government on questions of policy, the Government is ultimately responsible for monetary and banking policy; and provide that orders made to determine monetary policy can include freezing interest rates for a specified period of time.
- Date
14 Jun 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the
Broadcasting Services Act 1992
to ban gambling advertisements during the broadcast of live sporting events on television, radio and live streaming and for one hour before and after the event.
- Date
13 Jun 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Date
10 May 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before House of Representatives
FAWCETT, Sen David
- Summary
The bill: establishes the Defence Capability Assurance Agency as an statutory authority to conduct capability assurance of defence materiel programs and establish a qualified workforce to conduct test and evaluation and risk assessments for defence materiel programs; establishes the Inspector-General of Defence Capability Assurance to provide oversight of the Defence Department, the Defence Force and the Defence Capability Assurance Agency; and establishes the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Defence to provide oversight of the performance of the Defence Capability Assurance Agency and the Inspector-General and review and report on matters relating to the defence of Australia and defence agencies.
- Date
30 Mar 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
RICE, Sen Janet
- Summary
The bill: establishes the Antipoverty Commission as a statutory authority to provide independent advice on poverty in Australia, the causes of poverty in Australia, approaches to reducing poverty in Australia and minimum levels for social security payments; and establishes a Parliamentary Joint Committee on combatting poverty in Australia.
- Date
29 Mar 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
BRAGG, Sen Andrew
- Summary
Implements certain recommendations of the final report of the Senate Select Committee on Australia as a Technology and Financial Centre by: providing for a framework for digital asset exchanges, digital asset custody services and the issuing of stablecoins; requiring authorised deposit-taking institutions to comply with certain reporting requirements in relation to designated central bank digital currency; and providing for additional duties of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services in relation to the regulation of activities relating to digital assets and designated central bank digital currency.
- Date
27 Mar 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
POCOCK, Sen Barbara
- Summary
Amends the
Fair Work Act 2009
to: prevent employers from contacting employees outside of work hours; and provide that employees are not required to monitor, read or respond to work communications from their employer outside of work hours.
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