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- Date
04 Apr 2001
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business portfolio
- Date
13 Feb 2008
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to: abolish Australian Workplace Agreements; provide transitional arrangements through Individual Transitional Employment Agreements (ITEAs); introduce a no-disadvantage test for ITEAs and collective agreements and ensure no agreement is approved until it passes the test; remove the requirement for a Workplace Relations Fact Sheet; provide that all parties agree to terminate collective workplace agreements; and enable award modernisation processes to be undertaken by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission. Also makes consequential amendments to 16 Acts.
- Date
06 Nov 2003
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to: extend the operation of the federal unfair dismissal system to all employees of constitutional corporations; prevent employees from accessing remedies under comparable State unfair dismissal schemes; and make amendments to the operation of the unfair dismissal system. Also contains application provisions.
- Date
13 Nov 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to: extend the operation of the federal unfair dismissal system to all employees of constitutional corporations; prevent employees from accessing remedies under comparable State unfair dismissal schemes; and make amendments to the operation of the unfair dismissal system. Also contains application provisions.
- Date
27 Jun 2000
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business portfolio
- Date
29 Jun 2000
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business portfolio
- Date
04 Dec 1997
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
Workplace Relations, Small Business and Waterfront Reform portfolio
- Date
08 Dec 2004
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to restore the exemption for small business from redundancy payments by overturning the 2004 decision of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission to impose redundancy pay obligations on small businesses.
- Date
26 Jun 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to: simplify agreement-making at the workplace level; reduce the delays, formality and cost involved in having an agreement certified; prevent interference by third parties in agreement-making; and provide for the extended operation of certified agreements of up to five years. Also contains application and saving provisions.
- Date
13 Nov 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
Employment and Workplace Relations
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Relations Act 1996
to require that, in order to be protected industrial action under the Act, such action must be preceded by a secret ballot process overseen by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission; and, consequential on commencement of the proposed Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining) Act 2002
, allows protected industrial action to be taken without a secret ballot, after a cooling-off period; and provides for the recommencement of protected action after the end of a suspension of a bargaining period. Also contains application and saving provisions.
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