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- Date
14 Sep 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the
Australian Education Act 2013
to: redefine the Commonwealth share of funding for a government school to 25%; and introduce an obligation on the minister to be satisfied when determining the Commonwealth share that it is consistent with the objective that every school-aged child in Australia has access to a fully-funded government school.
- Date
10 Feb 2020
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
HANSON, Sen Pauline
- Summary
Amends the:
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Act 2008
to require the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority to ensure that school education provides a balanced presentation of opposing views on political, historical and scientific issues; and Australian Education Act 2013
to make financial assistance to a state or territory conditional on the state or territory having certain laws in force.
- Date
12 Feb 2019
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the
Broadcasting Services Act 1992
to: require national broadcasters, commercial television broadcasting licensees and subscription television licensees to provide a minimum number of hours of television audio description per week; and provide for the Australian Communications and Media Authority to enforce and review the new requirement.
- Date
14 Jun 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the
Broadcasting Services Act 1992
to ban gambling advertisements during the broadcast of live sporting events on television, radio and live streaming and for one hour before and after the event.
- Date
18 Nov 2024
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before House of Representatives
SCAMPS, Sophie, MP
- Summary
Amends the
Broadcasting Services Act 1992
to prohibit the broadcasting of marketing relating to certain food or drink products on television and radio broadcasting services, and online services.
- Date
19 Aug 2024
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before House of Representatives
- Summary
Amends the
Broadcasting Services Act 1992
to: prohibit the broadcasting of gambling advertisements on certain television and radio broadcasting services; and prohibit the provision of gambling advertisements on certain online content services.
- Date
19 Aug 2024
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before House of Representatives
- Summary
Re-establishes the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner.
- Date
21 Aug 2024
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
CASH, Sen Michaelia
- Summary
Re-establishes the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner.
- Date
18 Oct 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
ANTIC, Sen Alex
BABET, Sen Ralph
ROBERTS, Sen Malcolm
CANAVAN, Sen Matthew
- Summary
The bill: prohibits health practitioners from performing gender clinical interventions intended to transition a minor’s biological sex, subject to limited exemptions; and prohibits the Commonwealth from entering into arrangements involving the expenditure or payment of money that provides or facilitates the provision of such a procedure or treatment.
- Date
03 Aug 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
POCOCK, Sen David
- Summary
Amends the
Climate Change Act 2022
to: require decision-makers to consider the health and wellbeing of children in Australia when making significant decisions; and require decision-makers not to make significant decisions in relation to the exploration or extraction of coal, oil or natural gas if the decision poses a material risk of harm to the health and wellbeing of children in Australia.
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