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- Date
03 Aug 2022
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
SMITH, Sen Dean
- Summary
Amends the:
Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
and Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986
to enable age pensioners and certain veterans' entitlement recipients to have their payment suspended for up to two years, instead of cancelled, if their income, which includes some income from the recipient's own employment, precludes payment; and provide for the same suspension period for partners of the age pension, disability support pension and certain veterans' entitlements recipients, where the partner is receiving a social security pension or certain veterans' entitlements; Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
to make minor amendments to the existing suspension provisions for disability support pensioners; and Social Security Act 1991
and Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986
to: provide that working age pensioners, disability support pensioners and certain veterans' entitlements recipients, and their pensioner partners, can retain their pensioner concession card for up to two years after their payment ceases; and increase to $600 the amount of income age pensioners and certain veterans' entitlement recipients can earn each fortnight while still receiving maximum pension payments and provide for a review, and sunsetting, of these amendments.
- Date
30 Nov 2023
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Introduced with the Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions and Other Measures) Bill 2023, the bill imposes a tax rate of 15 per cent for superannuation earnings corresponding to the percentage of an individual’s superannuation balance that exceeds $3 million for an income year.
- Date
05 Feb 2025
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
MCKIM, Sen Nick
- Date
02 Jul 2024
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
SMITH, Sen Dean
- Summary
Amends the
Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
and Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997
to provide a tax offset for companies for certain expenditure incurred in undertaking food donations activities for registered food charities.
- Date
05 Feb 2025
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
LAMBIE, Sen Jacqui
- Date
28 Nov 2024
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before House of Representatives
Home Affairs
- Summary
Implements certain recommendations of the Independent Review into Australia’s Aviation and Maritime Transport Security Settings by amending the
Aviation Transport Security Act 2004
and Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003
to update legislative and policy frameworks to enable iterative, risk-based and scalable regulation for the security of aviation, maritime and offshore facility sectors.
- Date
30 Nov 2023
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Introduced with the Superannuation (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions) Imposition Bill 2023, the bill amends: 9 Acts to make consequential amendments; the
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012
to enable the disclosure of information about a recognised assessment activity in relation to a registered entity in certain circumstances; the Financial Regulator Assessment Authority Act 2021
to reduce the frequency of certain periodic reviews; 6 Acts to make miscellaneous and technical amendments in the Treasury portfolio; the Corporations Act 2001
to provide four licensing exemptions for foreign financial services providers; and the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998
and 4 other Acts in relation to the payments regulatory framework.
- Date
28 Nov 2024
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
THORPE, Sen Lidia
PAYMAN, Sen Fatima
- Summary
Amends the
Future Fund Act 2006
, Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
, Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012
and Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Regulations 2022
to end investments in companies associated with disputed Israeli settlements by the Future Fund Board or registered Australian charities.
- Date
15 May 2024
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
VAN, Sen David
- Summary
Amends the
Treasury Laws Amendment (Electric Car Discount) Act 2022
to extend the fringe benefits tax exemption for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles until 1 April 2030.
- Date
02 Aug 2023
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before House of Representatives
- Summary
Introduced with the Housing Australia Future Fund Bill 2023 [No. 2] and National Housing Supply and Affordability Council Bill 2023 [No. 2], the bill amends: the
National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation Act 2018
to rename the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation to Housing Australia; the renamed Housing Australia Act 2018
to: streamline the functions of Housing Australia; establish an annual review mechanism for the National Housing Infrastructure Facility; and extend the Commonwealth guarantee of the liabilities of Housing Australia to apply to contracts entered into until 30 June 2028; and 10 Acts to make consequential amendments.
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