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  • Date
    01 Jul 2024 
    House of Representatives 
    Before House of Representatives 
    SHARKIE, Rebekha, MP 
    Amends the
    Interactive Gambling Act 2001
    to ban the broadcast, datacast and publication of licensed interactive wagering services. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    24 Jun 2024 
    House of Representatives 
    Before House of Representatives 
    TINK, Kylea, MP 
    The bill: provides for a National Housing and Homelessness Plan; establishes the National Housing Consumer Council to provide advice on the plan from the perspective of consumers; and establishes a National Housing and Homelessness Advocate to independently monitor the progress of the plan and to undertake reviews into systemic housing issues. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    02 Aug 2023 
    House of Representatives 
    Before House of Representatives 
    Introduced with the National Housing Supply and Affordability Council Bill 2023 [No. 2] and Treasury Laws Amendment (Housing Measures No. 1) Bill 2023 [No. 2], the bill establishes the Housing Australia Future Fund to make grants, and enable Housing Australia to make grants and loans, in relation to acute housing needs, social housing or affordable housing. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    02 Aug 2023 
    House of Representatives 
    Before House of Representatives 
    Introduced with the Housing Australia Future Fund Bill 2023 [No. 2] and Treasury Laws Amendment (Housing Measures No. 1) Bill 2023 [No. 2], the bill establishes the National Housing Supply and Affordability Council as an independent advisory body to the Commonwealth Government on matters relating to housing supply and affordability. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    02 Aug 2023 
    House of Representatives 
    Before House of Representatives 
    Introduced with the Housing Australia Future Fund Bill 2023 [No. 2] and National Housing Supply and Affordability Council Bill 2023 [No. 2], the bill amends: the
    National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation Act 2018
    to rename the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation to Housing Australia; the renamed
    Housing Australia Act 2018
    to: streamline the functions of Housing Australia; establish an annual review mechanism for the National Housing Infrastructure Facility; and extend the Commonwealth guarantee of the liabilities of Housing Australia to apply to contracts entered into until 30 June 2028; and 10 Acts to make consequential amendments. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    22 Jun 2023 
    House of Representatives 
    Before House of Representatives 
    Amends the:
    Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Act 1986
    Intelligence Services Act 2001
    to: expand the jurisdictions of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) and the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) to include the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC), the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, the Australian Federal Police and the Department of Home Affairs; provide that the PJCIS may review proposed counter-terrorism and national security legislation, and all such expiring legislation; enable the PJCIS to request the IGIS to conduct an inquiry into certain operational activities of the agencies within the IGIS’s jurisdiction; clarify the legislation which enables the PJCIS to request a briefing from the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor; clarify the IGIS’s complaints jurisdiction; and make technical amendments;
    Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Act 1986
    Office of National Intelligence Act 2018
    to require the IGIS and the Office of National Intelligence to provide annual briefings to the PJCIS;
    Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Act 2010
    to require the IGIS to provide annual briefings to the committee;
    Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975
    to amend the review and access of ACIC criminal intelligence assessment records; and
    Criminal Code Act 1995
    to include an exemption from civil and criminal liability for defence officials and others for certain computer-related conduct. Also makes consequential amendments to 15 Acts. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    22 Jun 2023 
    Before House of Representatives 
    SMITH, Sen Dean 
    Amends the
    Migration Act 1958
    to: require persons entering Australia to respond to specified questions in relation to organ transplants outside Australia; provide for annual reporting requirements in relation to this information; and enable the minister to refuse to grant, or to cancel, a person’s visa if the minister reasonably suspects the person has been involved in conduct constituting an offence involving trafficking in human organs. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    10 May 2023 
    Before House of Representatives 
    FAWCETT, Sen David 
    The bill: establishes the Defence Capability Assurance Agency as an statutory authority to conduct capability assurance of defence materiel programs and establish a qualified workforce to conduct test and evaluation and risk assessments for defence materiel programs; establishes the Inspector-General of Defence Capability Assurance to provide oversight of the Defence Department, the Defence Force and the Defence Capability Assurance Agency; and establishes the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Defence to provide oversight of the performance of the Defence Capability Assurance Agency and the Inspector-General and review and report on matters relating to the defence of Australia and defence agencies. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    26 Jul 2022 
    House of Representatives 
    Before House of Representatives 
    Prime Minister 
    Amends the
    Customs Act 1901
    to remove a duplicate definition. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

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