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  • Date
    04 Dec 2003 
    House of Representatives 
    Justice and Customs 
    Introduced with the Customs Legislation Amendment (Application of International Trade Modernisation and Other Measures) Bill 2003, the bill amends the
    Import Processing Charges (Amendment and Repeal) Act 2002
    to extend the application of cost recovery charges during the transition between the Customs legacy electronic systems and the new Integrated Cargo System. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    17 Mar 2010 
    House of Representatives 
    Immigration and Citizenship 
    Amends the
    Immigration (Education) Act 1971
    to implement the Adult Migrant English Program by: removing annual administration fees for English courses; providing that certain New Zealand citizens are unable to access English courses; extending the registration period in an English course from three to six months; providing that English courses are completed within five years; clarifying eligibility for English courses; and enabling the secretary to extend registration, commencement and completion timeframes for English courses retrospectively. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

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