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- Date
26 May 2011
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Amends the
International Criminal Court Act 2002
, International War Crimes Tribunals Act 1995
and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters 1987
to respond to the High Court decision in International Finance Trust Company Ltd v New South Wales Crime Commission
(2009) 240 CLR 319 by providing that courts have the discretion to refuse to register a foreign proceeds of crime order if it would be contrary to the interests of justice to register the order.
- Date
19 Sep 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
- Summary
Amends the
Murray-Darling Basin Act 1993
to approve and give effect to the Murray-Darling Basin Amending Agreement between the Commonwealth, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia which will make new arrangements for sharing water made available in the River Murray catchment above Hume Dam by the Snowy Scheme.
- Date
28 Jun 2001
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Transport and Regional Services portfolio
- Date
17 Mar 2010
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Special Minister of State
- Summary
Amends the
Ministers of State Act 1952
to: increase the limit on the annual sum appropriated from the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the payment of salaries of ministers; and enable future increases to be made by regulation.
- Date
02 Nov 2011
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Part of a package of 11 bills, the bill establishes the framework for calculating a miner’s minerals resources rent tax liability on mining profits made from extracting taxable resources (mainly coal and iron ore) for a mining project interest for a year.
- Date
02 Nov 2011
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Part of a package of 11 bills, the bill imposes minerals resource rent tax from 1 July 2012 at a rate of 30 per cent, reduced by a 25 per cent extraction allowance which recognises the expertise and capital that mining companies bring to mineral extraction, to the extent that it is neither a duty of customs nor a duty of excise.
- Date
02 Nov 2011
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Part of a package of 11 bills, the bill imposes minerals resource rent tax from 1 July 2012 at a rate of 30 per cent, reduced by a 25 per cent extraction allowance which recognises the expertise and capital that mining companies bring to mineral extraction, to the extent that it is a duty of excise.
- Date
02 Nov 2011
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Part of a package of 11 bills, the bill imposes minerals resource rent tax from 1 July 2012 at a rate of 30 per cent, reduced by a 25 per cent extraction allowance which recognises the expertise and capital that mining companies bring to mineral extraction, to the extent that it is a duty of customs.
- Date
10 Feb 2011
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Veterans’ Affairs
- Summary
Amends the
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
to ensure that: certain wholly dependent partners of deceased defence force members or former members will be eligible to receive the MRCA supplement; and eligible persons do not receive additional equivalent payments under the Social Security Act 1991
or Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986
- Date
19 Mar 2008
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Veterans' Affairs
- Summary
Recognises the Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial in Ballarat as a Military Memorial of National Significance and provides that other memorials which meet specified criteria will be similarly recognised.
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