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- Date
12 Nov 1998
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Family and Community Services portfolio
- Date
26 May 2003
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
- Summary
The bill: establishes the Office of the National Commissioner for Children and Young People; provides for a national code for the protection of children; and provides for a probity check on all persons undertaking child-related employment or volunteer work. Also includes reporting requirements and a regulation-making power.
- Date
15 Oct 2018
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
CLARE, Jason, MP
- Summary
The bill: prohibits the Commonwealth from entering into a trade agreement that includes certain provisions; requires the Commonwealth to include in all bilateral trade agreements a labour chapter with internationally recognised labour principles; prohibits the Commonwealth from entering into a trade agreement unless the agreement requires skills assessments to be undertaken in Australia; requires the minister to commission an independent national interest assessment of any proposed trade agreement; and provides for the establishment of an accredited trade advisers program.
- Date
15 Oct 2018
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
CARR, Sen Kim
- Summary
The bill: prohibits the Commonwealth from entering into a trade agreement that includes certain provisions; requires the Commonwealth to include in all bilateral trade agreements a labour chapter with internationally recognised labour principles; prohibits the Commonwealth from entering into a trade agreement unless the agreement requires skills assessments to be undertaken in Australia; requires the minister to commission an independent national interest assessment of any proposed trade agreement; and provides for the establishment of an accredited trade advisers program.
- Date
02 Dec 1998
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Aged care portfolio
- Date
02 Dec 1998
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Treasurer's portfolio
- Date
02 Dec 1998
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Treasurer's portfolio
- Date
02 Dec 1998
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Family and Community Services portfolio
- Date
13 May 1999
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Treasurer's portfolio
- Date
04 Dec 2003
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Amends the
A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Act 1999
in relation to: accounting by the Commissioner of Taxation for all Goods and Services Tax (GST) refunds; the timing of final determinations; and introduction of a mechanism for residual Budget Balancing Assistance adjustments for GST transitional years. Also contains application provisions.
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