Figure 7: Policy decisions in the 2018–19 MYEFO— payments and receipts2,4
Figure 8: Policy decisions in the 2018–19 MYEFO— top five revenue measures5,6
Figure 9: Policy decisions in the 2018–19 MYEFO— top five expense measures5,6,9
Figure 10: Parameter and other variations in the 2018–19 MYEFO—payments and receipts2,7
Figure 11: Drivers of growth in revenue— contributions to total annual real growth5,8
Figure 12: Drivers of growth in expenses— contributions to total annual real growth5,8
Figure 13: Payments to states in 2018–19, $127b10
Figure 14: Revenue in 2018–19,
Figure 15: Expenses in 2018–19,