Cash flow statement

Cash flow statement
as at 30 June 2024
Original Budget
Cash received
Appropriations 28,703 26,038 26,972
Sale of goods and rendering of services 434 545 450
Net GST received 188 179 233
Other 10 - -
Total cash received 29,335 26,762 27,655
Cash used
Employees 25,638 23,382 24,712
Suppliers 2,913 2,520 2,922
Section 74 receipts transferred to OPA 837 849 -
Total cash used 29,388 26,751 27,634
Net cash (to)/from operating activities (53) 11 21
Cash used
Purchase of plant and equipment 96 378 293
Total cash used 96 378 293
Net cash used by investing activities (96) (378) (293)
Cash received
Contributed equity 153 406 293
Total cash received 153 406 293
Cash used
Principal payments of lease liabilities 17 17 21
Total cash used 17 17 21
Net cash from financing activities 136 389 272
Net increase/(decrease) in cash held (13) 22 -
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 226 204 204
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 213 226 204

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Original budget figures are those published in the department's 2023-24 Portfolio Budget Statements.

Section 74 (of PGPA Act) receipts are not separately identified in the Portfolio Budget Statements.