Appendix 2

The figures in these tables include staff on long-term paid leave, but exclude staff on leave without pay or on temporary movements out of the department at 30 June 2024.

Staff numbers, by classification and salary range, 30 June 2024
Classification Salary ($) Total
Clerk of the Senate 473,820* 1
Deputy Clerk of the Senate (SES Band 2) 246,070 – 259,021 1
Clerk Assistants and Usher of the Black Rod (SES Band 1) 203,037 – 213,242 4
Parliamentary Executive Level (PEL 2) 157,240 – 168,126 24
Parliamentary Executive Level (PEL 1) 126,401 – 141,587 36
Australian Parliamentary Service (APS 6) 104,587 – 114,727 49
Australian Parliamentary Service (APS 5) 92,851 – 98,606 5
Australian Parliamentary Service (APS 4) 83,113 – 89,273 36
Australian Parliamentary Service (APS 3) 74,105 – 80,056 31
Australian Parliamentary Service (APS 2) 65,212 – 72,612 3
Australian Parliamentary Service (APS 1) 58,009 – 64,425 7

* Indicates total remuneration package

Staff numbers, by classification and gender category, 30 June 2024
Classification Gender
Prefers not to answer Uses a different term Total
Clerk of the Senate 1 - - - - 1
Deputy Clerk of the Senate (SES Band 2) - 1 - - - 1
Clerk Assistants and Usher of the Black Rod (SES Band 1) 2 2 - - - 4
PEL 2 12 12 - - - 24
PEL 1 9 27 - - - 36
APS 6 17 32 - - - 49
APS 5 1 4 - - - 5
APS 4 15 21 - - - 36
APS 3 11 20 - - - 31
APS 2 3 - - - - 3
APS 1 4 3 - - - 7
Total 75 122 - - - 197

SES = Senior Executive Service, PEL = Parliamentary Executive Level, APS = Australian Parliamentary Service

Employees by gender
  2023–2024 2022–20231
Gender Ongoing Non-ongoing Ongoing Non-ongoing
Man/Male 59 16 59 16
Woman/Female 100 22 96 26
Non-binary - - - -
Prefers not to answer - - - -
Uses a different term - - - -
Total 159 38 155 42
Full-time and part-time employees
  2023–2024 2022–20231
Full-time or part-time Ongoing Non-ongoing Ongoing Non-ongoing
Full-time 144 12 139 17
Part-time 15 26 16 25
Total 159 38 155 42
Employees by classification
  2023–2024 2022–20231
Classification Ongoing Non-ongoing Ongoing Non-ongoing
Clerk of the Senate 1 - 1 -
SES2 1 - 1 -
SES1 4 - 4 -
PEL2 24 - 21 -
PEL1 36 - 30 7
APS6 37 12 40 13
APS5 5 - 4 -
APS4 31 5 31 3
APS3 15 16 18 12
APS2 3 - 4 1
APS1 2 5 1 6
Total 159 38 155 42
  1. The 2022-23 figures have been adjusted to include all staff employed at 30 June 2024.

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 3

Annual report 2023-24