Powers, practice and procedure

House of Representatives Practice - 7th Edition

House of Representatives Practice (7th Edition)

House of Representatives Practice is the comprehensive and authoritative text on the procedure and practice of the House of Representatives.

Standing and Sessional Orders cover

House of Representatives Standing and Sessional Orders

The rules of procedure for the House of Representatives as at 2 August 2022.

Resolutions relating to the operation of the House are also published in the standing orders.


Guide to Procedures 5th Edition cover image

Guide to Procedures
(6th Edition)

Guide to Procedures is a concise introduction to the procedures of the House of Representatives, intended for participants in and observers of proceedings in the Chamber of the House and the Federation Chamber.


Infosheet image


This series of 24 Infosheets contains detailed information about the workings of the House. The information is suitable for students and people who want to know more about how the Parliament works. 


Procedural Digest image

Procedural Digest 

The Procedural Digest is a record of selected procedural events in the House of Representatives Chamber and the Federation Chamber. It includes Speaker's rulings, precedents and unusual situations.

The Procedural Digest is published at the conclusion of a House sitting week or fortnight.

Work of the Session

Work of the Session

A periodic summary of the business of the House and its committees.






The House Explained

A collection of video resources explaining how the House works.


House of Representatives Statistics

Contains statistics on the work of the House of Representatives in relation to legislation, questions, petitions and various other items of business.

Procedure - Presentations and research papers

Research papers and presentations on various aspects of parliamentary process

Committee information

Further information about House of Representatives Committees and Joint Committees managed by the House of Representatives. 

Parliamentary library collection

The publications are prepared by the Parliamentary Library’s Research Branch for the purpose of supporting the work of the Australian Parliament.  The Parliamentary Library researchers also write short, sharp, factual pieces on issues of current interest to the Parliament and post them on FlagPost, the Parliamentary Library blog.

Parlinfo Search

Parllinfo Search enables visitors to the Parliament of Australia website to search and obtain Australian Parliamentary information resources including Hansard, Bills, Senate Journals, Votes and Proceedings, Notice Papers, Parliamentary Handbook and much more.


Seminar program

The House of Representatives is where governments are formed and where most proposed Commonwealth laws are introduced. Through its seminar program, the House offers people interested in its work an opportunity to find out how the House actually works. Our seminars range from the basic to the very detailed – something for everyone.

Parliamentary Education Office

The Parliamentary Education Office provides parliamentary education services to schools, teachers and students by teaching how parliament works through experiential learning programs, producing resources and publications and running a comprehensive, interactive website with resources for all ages and levels of knowledge.