Public hearing on the National Redress Scheme

Issue date: Tuesday, 20 August 2024

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The Committee will hold a public hearing tomorrow for an inquiry into the National Redress Scheme to hear from the Department of Social Services.

At a public hearing on 2 August 2024, the Committee heard evidence from survivors who recalled their experiences seeking redress. This evidence has prompted the Committee to invite the Department of Social Services to a public hearing to hear their views.

Committee Chair Senator Catryna Bilyk said:

‘We greatly appreciate the bravery and courage shown by survivors who came forward to tell their stories. We are progressing towards completing the inquiry.’

‘If you have been thinking of making a submission, you should send it to us soon. You can ask the Committee to keep your evidence and your name confidential.’

Submissions to the inquiry close on 2 September 2024 and the Committee is expecting to report in October 2024.

If you would like to make a submission or find out more, please email the Committee Secretariat at or check the Committee’s webpage. A discussion paper aims to provide guidance to individuals and organisations interested in making submissions to the inquiry. Full details of what the inquiry is examining can be found in the terms of reference on the Committee’s website. An easy English guide is also available.

Public hearing details

Wednesday 21 August 2024
8:00am to around 9:00am (Canberra time)
Committee Room 1R3, Parliament House, Canberra

Listen online at then click on a link marked ‘live streaming’ or visit

Media inquiries

Office of Senator Catryna Bilyk
Daniel Hulme
0447 000 867

For background information

Joint Standing Committee on Implementation of the National Redress Scheme
02 6277 4549

Information about the Committee is available at

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