PJCIS to consider IGIS modernisation bill

Issue date: Friday, 10 February 2023

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The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) has commenced a review into the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Modernisation) Bill 2022. The bill review was referred to the Committee by the Hon. Mark Dreyfus KC, MP, Attorney-General.

The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Modernisation) Bill 2022 proposes amendments to the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Act 1986 to improve the ability of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) to provide effective oversight of intelligence and security agencies.

The bill would improve reporting and information sharing processes, allow the IGIS to consider employment related grievances for staff employed by the Office of National Intelligence and introduce provisions preventing the head or deputy head of an agency overseen by the IGIS from being appointed to the position immediately after serving in that capacity.

The bill includes a number of technical amendments to improve clarity, modernise drafting expressions and remove redundant provisions, as well as to address certain limitations in the Inspector-General's oversight functions and powers.

In addition, the bill also amends the provisions of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022 to clarify information sharing arrangements with the IGIS.

Submissions to the inquiry are invited by Friday, 17 February 2023.

Further information on the inquiry can be obtained from the Committee’s website.

Media inquiries

Chair Mr Peter Khalil MP, via Lachlan Hinds
0455 999 677

For background information  

Committee Secretariat, Parliamentary Joint Committee on intelligence and Security
(02) 6277 2360

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